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orodha ya vyuo na vyo vikuu vilivyoanza kupokeo maombi kwa mwaka 2017/2018 na maelekezo kadha wa kadha

For those who wants to join higher learning institutions for their studies into various programmes you are at right place, I have collected and I will continue collecting informations about various colleges and universities  sticking on procedures, entry requirements ,fee structures , how to apply and the deadline....Keep visting here for more updates

 Karibu upitie orodha ya vyuo vilivyoanza kupokeo maombi na maelekezo kadha wa kadha. Kwa Mfano

 >>>Kampala International University Dar es Salaam College,Mwenge University College of Education,Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College
Ruaha University College,St. Francis University College of Health and Allied Sciences,St. Joseph University College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology,St. Joseph University College of Information and Technology,St. Joseph University College of Management and Commerce
Stefano Moshi Memorial University College,Stella Maris Mtwara University College
Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College,Kampala International University Dar es Salaam College
,Mwenge University College of Education,Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College
Ruaha University College,St. Francis University College of Health and Allied Sciences,St. Joseph University College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology,St. Joseph University College of Information and Technology,St. Joseph University College of Management and Commerce
Stefano Moshi Memorial University College
Stella Maris Mtwara University College
Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College

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